This restaurant in Italy will give you a 5% discount if your children are well-behaved
The owner said he means for this to be a compliment to the parents.

A restaurant in Italy is offering a 5% discount if the children accompanying a party of diners turn out to be well-behaved. The owner of the wine bar in Padua, a city in the country’s Veneto region, Adrian Ferrari said he thought of the deal when he saw a group of children sitting “with much composure” while waiting for their parents to finishing their meal.
These children, he said, were occupying themselves with multiplication tables and colouring books instead of running around the restaurant or splashing water around in the bathroom, a problem he encounters every Sunday – family day at his eatery. He deducted 13 Euro off the family’s bill, after recounting how impressed he was when a restaurant he visited in Miami last year did the same.
This is no publicity stunt, Ferrari told Corriere della Sera, simply a compliment for the parents. He will be happy to offer the same discount to others as well, because he “knows how difficult parenting is today,” he said.
Ferrari has no children of his own.