The Punjab and Haryana High Court on Thursday granted bail to Vikas Barala in the Chandigarh stalking case, reported the Hindustan Times. Earlier, his bail petition was dismissed four times by a trial court.

Vikas Barala, the son of Haryana Bharatiya Janata Party President Subhash Barala, and his friend Ashish Kumar were arrested on August 9, 2017, for allegedly stalking and trying to abduct Varnika Kundu, an IAS officer’s daughter. The two allegedly chased Kundu in an SUV while she was driving to Panchkula from Chandigarh on August 4, 2017. A medical examination found that both men were drunk. Both denied any intentions to abduct her.

On August 5, they were arrested but released on bail within hours, as the police had charged them with stalking and wrongful restraint, which are both bailable offences. They were later charged with attempted abduction, which is a non-bailable offence. On August 29, the court denied the duo bail in the case, and in October 2017, it framed charges of abduction against them.