A 72-year-old man in Punjab, who returned from Germany via Italy two weeks ago, is the fourth person to die of coronavirus in India, PTI reported on Thursday. The man had complained of severe chest pain and died at a hospital in Nawanshahr district.

The man also suffered from diabetes and hypertension. He posthumously tested positive for coronavirus, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research Director Jagat Ram said. Punjab’s Principal Secretary (Health) Anurag Aggarwal confirmed that the man had tested positive for COVID-19.

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare announced that the total number of positive coronavirus cases in India rose to 167 on Thursday. The count included 25 foreigners and one death each in Delhi, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Punjab. Maharashtra has the maximum number of cases at 45, followed by Kerala, which has recorded 27 positive cases.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected address the nation on Thursday at 8 pm to talk about steps to fight the pandemic. State governments have stepped up efforts to contain the rapidly-spreading disease – shutting down schools, colleges and public places till March 31 and forbidding large gatherings.