When the crew for BBC One’s serial killer series Rellik arrived on set to shoot a fake dead body, they had to stop because of a real dead body.

The presence of a corpse halted proceedings on the sets of Rellik at London’s Cambridge Health Park on September 17. The police declared the spot a crime scene, and shooting was stopped.

The dead body is apparently one of the many occurrences on Rellik’s sets that coincide with the script’s content.

“Richard [Dormer], who plays our main character, getting impetigo and his face being covered in blotches and blemishes,” Rellik actor Patterson Joseph told The Mirror, “He got the same reaction as his actual character, who’s been scarred in an acid attack. We found that odd.”

That aside, Joseph added that acid attacks had been happening for a while as the show was being shot.

Rellik (Killer spelled backwards) has been created by Harry Williams and Jack Williams of BBC One’s The Missing fame. The show’s structure is such that the suspect getting caught is revealed in the beginning and then the events were depicted backwards to the point of the crime being committed.
