The Marathi movie Pipsi, which was premiered at the Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival in 2017, will be be in theatres on July 27.
Directed by Rohan Deshpande and produced by Landmarc Films, Pipsi tells the story Chaani (Maithili Patwardhan) and Baalu (Sahil Joshi), who live in the bone-dry Raakh village in Maharashtra. On hearing the mythological tale of king Satyavrat and the fish who rescues humanity from a flood, they become convinced that the aquatic creature alone can save Chaani’s terminally ill mother. The only problem is that they live in a village where there is no water to drink, leave alone to keep a fish.
How will their fish Pipsi, named after a local cold drink that is abundantly available in the village, live?