The next Spider-Man movie from the Marvel Cinematic Universe will be titled Far From Home, actor Tom Holland revealed in an Instagram post on Saturday. Holland plays the lead in the rebooted Spider-Man series from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which focuses on a younger version of Peter Parker/Spider-Man. He has so far appeared in Captain America: Civil War (2016), Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), and Avengers: Infinity War (2018).

Spider-Man: Far From Home will be released on July 5, 2019, two months after the fourth untitled Avengers film. Directed by Jon Watts, it will reportedly feature Jake Gyllenhaal as the villain Mysterio. Watts also directed the Spider-Man: Homecoming, which grossed more than $880 million worldwide.

The title to the Homecoming sequel indicates that this will be the first Spider-Man solo movie to take the superhero “out of New York and put him in other parts of the world”, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Earlier, Marvel Studios President Kevin Fiege had said that Spider-Man would be seen spending some time “other parts of the globe” in the film, including London.

Sorry for no announcements, but I love you guys ♥️

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In the Instagram video, Holland first said he has “no announcements”, but added that he has the script for the new Spider-Man movie and then flashed an iPad with the title, in a blink-and-miss moment. The post was likely a reference to Holland’s tendency to give spoilers to the press, which became a talking point during his press tour for Infinity War, released on April 27.

Marvel had also released a video on April 23 about not sharing spoilers prior to the release of Avengers: Infinity War. The video showed several actors refusing to divulge details about the plot and featured Holland with his mouth taped shut.


Upcoming Marvel films include Ant-Man and the Wasp, which will be released on July 6, and Captain Marvel, which is scheduled for a March 8, 2019 release.