For global luxury goods sector, are disastrous financials just the tip of the iceberg?
Teresa Sádaba, The Conversation
‘Sufficiency’ approach can help cut demand for resources, tackle inequality
David Angus Ness, The Conversation
Stagnating wages in rural India are a distress signal of unequal economic growth
Rohit Inani,
Eco India, Episode 218: Can sustainable food production improve our consumption habits?
Scroll Staff
Any new government must pull India’s economy out of stagnation, but dodgy GDP numbers won’t help
Devangshu Datta
Patient diary: Fighting twin battles against TB and depression is physically, emotionally consuming
Earth’s carrying capacity for human life is not fixed
Ted Nordhaus, Aeon
Conspicuous consumption is over. It’s all about intangibles now
Elizabeth Currid-Halkett
Who is the average Indian wine drinker? A survey reveals surprising results
Zinnia Ray Chaudhuri
Urban masses will drive consumption in India (with a little help from big, fat Indian weddings)
Mayank Jain