Australian Open: Alexander Zverev reveals doctors told him he would never be a pro athlete
The amount of sweeteners in foods and drinks is rising – and that’s bad for health
Cherie Russell, The Conversation Carley Grimes, The Conversation Mark Lawrence, The Conversation Phillip Baker, The Conversation Rebecca Lindberg, The Conversation
Fitness watch: Diabetes has risen globally by 16% in the Covid years. Time to get moving
Christian Brakenridge, The Conversation David Dunstan, The Conversation
Sitting around during Covid-19 has pushed up global diabetes prevalence by 16%
Christian Brakenridge, The Conversation David Dunstan, The Conversation
Diabetes control key to good outcomes in Covid-19 cases, says co-founder of British health database
Govindraj Ethiraj, IndiaSpend.com
The type of diabetes you have can impact how you react to the coronavirus
Jamie Hartmann-Boyce, The Conversation
Speaking Sanskrit helps control diabetes and cholesterol, claims BJP MP
Scroll Staff
World Diabetes Day 2019: All you need to know about the importance of this day
Scroll Staff
As diabetes spreads among India’s urban poor, it could be pushing them over the edge
Aarefa Johari Vijayta Lalwani
AYUSH ministry clarification on Scroll.in article on claims about Ayurvedic drugs
One size doesn’t fit all: Eating breakfast may not matter for weight loss, study finds
Tim Spector, The Conversation Jeff Leach, The Conversation
Broken heart syndrome is not a temporary condition and must be taken more seriously
Nelson Chong, The Conversation
Lab notes: Injectable gel can deliver insulin-producing islet cells to treat Type 1 diabetes
Ratneshwar Thakur
Lab notes: New study shows that air pollution significantly increases diabetes risk
Raghu Murtugudde
India latest health scorecard: More heart disease, a surge in diabetes and a rising suicide rate
Scroll Staff
In India, air pollution led to more lung diseases than smoking in 2016, finds new study
Scroll Staff
Lab notes: Vitamin D deficiency may be linked to diabetes risk in pre-diabetic women
PK Mukherjee
Why low-carbohydrate high-fat diets help some diabetics reverse the condition without medication
Archana Yadav
An IIT student explains how he used his engineering skills to save a diabetic’s life mid-flight
Karttikeya Mangalam
Lab notes: Electro-chemical method to detect chronic kidney disease early
Umashankar Mishra