White, brown, raw, honey: Which type of sugar is best?
Sze-Yen Tan, The Conversation
There may be five types of diabetes that need different forms of treatment, suggests Lancet study
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Lab notes: How good nutrition helps overcome genetic risk of diabetes
Yogesh Sharma
Lab notes: A diabetes drug that can treat Alzheimer’s
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Lab notes: Why heart muscles of babies born to diabetic women are often weak
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Lab notes: Scientists zero in on protein responsible for calcium balance in the human body
Swati Subodh
A new type of diabetes has been identified and it’s often misdiagnosed
Andrew McGovern, The Conversation
‘Fat taxes’ on sugary beverages may be a quick fix but won’t halt obesity in the long run
Asit K Biswas, Kris Hartley, The Conversation
Diabetes can be hard on a marriage. But here are six ways that couples can cope with it
Prerana Dharnidharka
Lab notes: Muscles have biological clocks. Disturbing them could lead to diabetes
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Video: Researchers have devised a new skin patch to burn fat
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Readers’ comments: ‘Kashmir belongs equally to Pandits who were driven out, Harsh Mander’
In India, diabetes is fast becoming a disease of the poor
Vijay Shankar
Chronic disease is not inevitable or natural, even with age
Clayton Dalton, Aeon
No insulin for girls: Diabetes kills more girls than boys in India
Aarthi Gunnupuri
Almost 3.5 lakh Indians died of diabetes in 2015
Swagata Yadavar, IndiaSpend.com
Battle of the medical journals: There are no winners in the ‘statins war’ between BMJ and The Lancet
Rahul Potluri, The Conversation
Lab notes: Why fidgeting is healthy, what links obesity to diabetes and a possible new malaria cure
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‘Wait till tomorrow to fall ill’: On #WorldHealthDay, Twitter dispenses strange (and sage) advice
Rhema Mukti Baxter
Diabetes affects nearly one in every 11 people worldwide, says WHO
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