Can understanding the science of bubbles help us understand how humans speak? Yes, say physicists
Zahaan Bharmal
Eco India, Episode 276: How science and society are turning the tide on environmental crises
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176 academics express concern about new selection process for prestigious science prize
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Why does spicy food make you feel hot? And why doesn’t drinking water make it better?
Daniel Eldridge, The Conversation
How leaked emails of climate scientists were misinterpreted to deny climate change, discredit them
Fiona Fox
Why scientists and engineers should study social science
Sachin Tiwale
Two winners of a science book fellowship explain why they are writing a graphic novel
Sarthak Parikh Kush Dhebar
Foundation for Advancing Science and Technology announces 2024 fellows for books on Indian science
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Why some people trust science and some do not
Laurence D Hurst, The Conversation
Can scientists be religious? Research says yes – but it is challenging
Christopher P Scheitle, The Conversation
‘That’s why all my degrees are in liberal arts’: Science experiment on TV goes hilariously wrong
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Your body can be younger than you are – here’s how
Richard Faragher, The Conversation
A chemist explains why your hair curls in the summer
Tara S Carpenter, The Conversation
Watch: Roundworms frozen 46,000 years ago in Siberian permafrost revived by scientists
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Did the Big Bang really happen? What colour is the universe? A new book answers these questions
David Baker
Robert Oppenheimer: Father of the atomic bomb who advocated for freedom in the pursuit of knowledge
Darius von Guttner Sporzynski, The Conversation
Watch: Spanish athlete leaves cave after living in it for 500 days as part of a science experiment
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A crystal ball of digits: This book shows that maths alone can be used to build the entire universe
Manil Suri
How China became the world leader in producing high-quality science
Caroline Wagner, The Conversation
Why the state of science in Pakistan is so dreadful
Pervez Hoodbhoy,