Watch a Mumbai BEST bus being painted its iconic red (never mind the white and yellow upstarts)
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Low-cost transport is vital to affordable housing – and a Bus Rapid Transit System is the best bet
Shirish B Patel Oormi Kapadia Jasmine Saluja
Watch: With the Kitty Hawk flying vehicle, have we moved one step closer to the airborne car?
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How Uber had to fundamentally change itself to be a player in India
Madhura Karnik,
Watch: Mumbai was once covered with tramways (which may be coming back)
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Uber and its CEO increasingly appear more like entitled jerks than brave upstarts, but...
Girish Shahane
Video: A crash that shows why even self-driving cars always need watchful drivers at the wheel
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Video: The 'Star Wars' hover bike is a reality thanks to a Russian startup (at least, in a lab)
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Watch: This surplus military jeep in Pakistan's North Waziristan is magnificently high on bling
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Three things that Amritsar learnt from Delhi’s failed bus rapid transit system
Amit Bhatt
Mumbai to Pune in 25 minutes: This video explains how Hyperloop could make that happen
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Mumbai has the highest density of private cars in India: Times of India
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Electric buses earn 82% more profit than diesel daily
Deepa Padmanaban,