Spoofs, parodies, jokes: The exploding Galaxy Note 7 has become the new Harambe
The internet army can be merciless.
Over the last month or so, the recurring tech story has been of Samsung's Galaxy Note 7 smartphone devices exploding. In the US, over a million of the devices have been recalled. In India, one caught fire in an overhead cabin on an airplane. The company is discontinuing the product. These call backs and bans could result in the gargantuan loss of $17 billion for Samsung.
The internet spoof army, on a constant look out for the next big meme, has latched on to the comic potential of these news stories about the exploding smartphones.
And so, the video above features the popular video game Grand Theft Auto, with one tiny difference. Instead of weapons, the lead character carries with him an endless supply of Galaxy Note 7 phones. Chaos ensues.
The one below is from the Eddie Murphy action comedy Beverly Hills Cop 2. It's not all that unrealistic either. Samsung has been offering fireproof boxes to return the Note 7 in.
The time to return your Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is now 😂😂 pic.twitter.com/h7E5FxQxjx
— Technology (@te3hnologies) October 12, 2016
Talk show host Ellen DeGenere decided to join the party too. An audience member claimed that none of the phones in her possession had exploded. Until...they did.
Someone in my audience told me her Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is working perfectly. I’m not so sure. pic.twitter.com/NXRTCtZ8JR
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) October 12, 2016
There has been a constant stream of jokes on social media.
My friends and I huddled around my Samsung Galaxy Note 7... pic.twitter.com/NOE8BB8THf
— Andy (@FilmFillet) October 12, 2016
How to properly charge a Samsung Galaxy Note 7 #note7 pic.twitter.com/5K7ZuHSBdx
— J.T. Yaung (@jtyaung) October 12, 2016
When you get home with pizza and your flatmate's got a Samsung Galaxy Note 7. pic.twitter.com/8dIUhKBbCN
— David Schneider (@davidschneider) October 11, 2016
Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Headquarters. pic.twitter.com/Eh3PvNFfK3
— ♏ikeXBO (@MikeXBO) October 11, 2016
Move over Laxmi bombs. The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 will be this year's high tech Diwali phataka.
— Ashok Lalla (@ashoklalla) October 11, 2016
And the suggestion of conspiracy.
What if Harambe was actually killed by a Samsung Galaxy Note 7
— Pumpkin Spiceotope (@BuckyIsotope) October 11, 2016