The situation in North East Delhi escalated on Monday as extreme violence, rioting and arson were reported from Maujpur, Kardampuri, Chand Bagh, Dayalpur, Bhajanpura, and nearby areas. A police constable was killed in the clashes between the anti- and pro-Citizenship Act protestors. Shops and vehicles were set on fire, and a protestor was seen opening fire right in front of a policeman while he did nothing to stop him.

Violence started on Sunday after local BJP leader Kapil Mishra held a pro-Citizenship Act rally in the area and threatened the police, asking that the roads be cleared of protestors. “We will not even listen to the Delhi Police if the roads are not cleared by the time United States President Donald Trump leaves the country,” Mishra had said.

Soon after Mishra’s speech, videos of demonstrators chanting “Jai Shri Ram” and collecting stones and bricks and loading them onto trucks surfaced on social media.