In a jibe against presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, United States' President Barack Obama said on Friday that occupying the Oval Office “is not a reality show”. During a press briefing at the White House, he urged the media and public to take the business mogul's past statements into account without specifying any remark in particular. “This is not entertainment...This is not a reality show. This is a contest for the presidency of the United States,” Obama said, referring to Trump’s television background, Reuters reported.

Obama added that voters must examine all candidates in the race for president, and warned against treating the upcoming election as a spectacle. He also said that Trump has not yet offered concrete proposals on how to deal with national security and the economy. "We are in serious times and this is a serious job," he said. "Republican women voters are going to have to decide, is that the guy I feel comfortable with in representing me and what I care about?”

The real estate magnate now remains the only Republican hopeful in the presidential race, as Texas Senator Ted Cruz pulled out of the contest on Tuesday after losing the Indiana primary to Trump. Ohio Governor John Kasich, too, admitted defeat and dropped out of the race, while Former Florida governor Jeb Bush had stepped back much earlier into the presidential contest.