WBPSC Asst Professor recruitment application process ends today; here’s how to apply
West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) will close the online application process today for recruitment to the post of Assistant Professor.

West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) will close the online application process today for recruitment to the post of Assistant Professor for various subjects. Interested candidates can apply for the vacancies on the official website wbpsc.gov.in till July 29, 2021.
The last date to pay the online examination fee is July 29 whereas the last date for payment of fees Offline in Branches of UBI is July 30.
The WBPSC recruitment drive aims to fill up 48 Assistant Professor vacancies, of which 1 vacancy is for the subject of Ceramic Technology, 7 for Civil Engineering, 3 for Computer Science and Engineering, 6 for Electrical Engineering, 8 for Electronics and Communication Engineering, 1 for Environmental Science and Engineering, 3 for Information Technology, 13 for Mechanical Engineering, 3 for Textile Technology, and 3 for Textile Technology & Apparel Production Management.
Candidates who wish to apply for more than one category of posts should submit separate applications along with requisite fees for each, reads the notice.
Here’s WBPSC Assistant Professor recruitment 2021 official notification.
Eligibility Criteria
Age Limit: The applicants should not be more than the age of 36 years as on January 1, 2021.
Educational Qualification: For Engineering and Technology subjects, the candidates should hold a B.E/B.Tech and M.E/M.Tech degree in relevant branch with 1st class or equivalent either in B.E./B.Tech. or M.E./M.Tech.
For MCA, the applicants should hold a degree in B.E/B.Tech and M.E/M.Tech in relevant branch with 1st class or equivalent either in B.E./B.Tech. or M.E./M.Tech. More details are in the notification.
Selection process
WBPSC will select candidates based on personal interviews. If the number of applications received is large, the Commission may restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview to a reasonable limit on the basis of either higher qualification /higher marks/ grade obtained or on the basis of a Preliminary Screening Test (PST).
Application Fee
The applicants are required to pay the application fee of Rs 210.
Steps to apply for WBPSC Asst Professor recruitment:
- Visit the official website wbpsc.gov.in
- Click on ‘One Time Registration’ under Candidate’s Corner section
- Fill the form using personal and contact details and generate your Enrollment Number
- Login using the enrollment number password
- Fill the application form for Assistant Professor post(s)
- Scan the documents, pay the fee and submit
- Download application form for future reference