WBCS prelims 2021 admit card released at wbpsc.gov.in; check direct download link
West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) has released the e-admit card for the upcoming WB Civil Service Preliminary Exam 2021 today.

The West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) has released the e-admit card for the upcoming WB Civil Service Preliminary Exam 2021 today. Candidates can download the admit card from the official website wbpsc.gov.in.
The WBCS Prelims 2021 will be held on August 22 (Sunday) from 12.00 noon to 2.30 PM. The exam will be conducted by WBPSC at different venues in Kolkata and outlying centres.
In its exam notice, the Commission said: “It is notified that the above mentioned examination will be held at different venues in Kolkata and outlying centres on the 22nd August, 2021 (Sunday) from 12:00 Noon to 2:30 P.M. Admit cards of the candidates will be available in Commission’s website : https://wbpsc.gov.in from the 6th August, 2021.”
Here’s WB Civil Service Prelims 2021 exam notice.
The WBCS exam was previously postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The online application process was conducted in December and January.
The WBCS Prelim exam 2021 will consist of only one paper, on “General Studies”. The paper will be of an objective type consisting of 200 multiple-choice questions. There shall be a negative marking for each wrong answer.
Candidates who qualify in this test will be eligible to appear for the Main exam.
Steps to download WBCS prelims admit card:
- Visit official website wbpsc.gov.in
- Go to ‘DOWNLOAD ADMIT-CARD (FOR WRITTEN/ SCREENING TEST)’ under ‘Candidate’s Corner’ section
- Click on the link for WBCS prelims 2021
- Login using enrollment no/first name and date of birth
- The admit card will appear on screen
- Download and take a printout.
Here’s direct link to download WBCS prelims admit card 2021.
Candidates are advised to read the instructions on the admit card carefully once released. Details regarding venue, reporting time, etc will be mentioned on the admit card.