MP High Court invites applications for 61 Horticulturist, Steno and JJA posts; details here
Eligible candidates can apply for the vacancies on the official website

Madhya Pradesh High Court has invited online applications for recruitment to various pots of Horticulturist, Stenographer, and Junior Judicial Assistant. Eligible candidates can apply for the vacancies on the official website
The last date to apply for the vacancies is August 30, 2021. Applicants will be able to make corrections to their submitted form from September 3 to 5.
The examination dates shall be released in due course of time and the admit card will be released 7 days before the examination.
The recruitment drive aims to fill up a total of 61 vacancies, of which 3 vacancies are for the post of Horticulturist, 54 are for Junior Judicial Assistant (JJA) posts, and 4 for Stenographer.
Eligibility Criteria
Age Limit: Candidates applying for the posts of Horticulturist and Junior Judicial Assistant should have attained the age of 18 years and should not be more than the age of 35 years as on January 1, 2021.
The age limit for the post of Stenographer is 18 years to 40 years.
Educational Qualification:
Horticulturist: Graduate in Horticulture or Graduate in Agriculture with specialization in Horticulture from any recognized University.
Junior Judicial Assistant: Graduate from any recognize University. Passed “Typewriting Examination in English and Hindi Languages from an recognized Board of Shorthand and Typewriting Examination or Valid CPCT Score Card from Madhya Pradesh Agency for Promotion of Information and Technology (MAP-IT).
Stenographer: Graduate from any recognized University. English Shorthand exam passed with speed of 80 W.P.M. from Board/Institution recognized by M.P. Government. More details in the notification.
Steps to apply for the vacancies
- Visit the official website
- On the homepage, click on “Recruitment / Result” tab
- Now click on “Click Here - Online Application Forms/ Admit Cards”
- Register and login apply to the preferred post
- Pay the application and submit
- Download the application form and take a print for future reference
Here’s the direct link to apply.
Application Fee
The candidates from outside Madhya Pradesh/ general category will have to pay the application fee of Rs 922.16 and Rs 722.16 is applicable to reserved category candidates.