HSSC SI Male result 2021 announced, 3300+ candidates qualify
The Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) has announced the result of the Haryana Police Sub-Inspector Male exam 2021.

The Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) has announced the result of the Haryana Police Sub-Inspector Male exam 2021. Candidates can check and download the result merit list at the official website hssc.gov.in.
The Haryana Police SI Male exam 2021 against Advt No 04/2020 was held on September 26 and October 13. The answer key was released on October 14 and objections were invited till October 17.
Candidates who cleared the written exam have been shortlisted to appear for the PST (Physical Screening Test) and further selection process. The HSSC merit list contains the roll numbers of the shortlisted candidates. Over 3300 candidates have qualified the written exam.
Steps to download HSSC SI result 2021:
- Visit official website hssc.gov.in
- Under Result section, click on link “Result of Written examination (Knowledge Test) and notice to candidates for PST (Physical Screening Test) for the post of Sub Inspector (Male), Category No. 01”
- The HSSC SI Male result merit list will appear on the screen
- Check result by searching for roll number (Ctrl+F)
- Take a printout for future reference.
Here’s Haryana Police SI Male result 2021.
The Physical Screening Test of the qualified candidates will be held on October 23. The candidates can download the Admit Card for PST from the website hssc.gov.in from tomorrow and report at the venue as per the schedule mentioned in the admit card. The candidates are advised to download two copies of the original admit card (not to be photostated) and to be brought at the time of PST.
Link to download admit card: http://adv42020.hryssc.in/StaticPages/HomePage.aspx.
The HSSC recruitment drive is being conducted to fill up to 465 Sub-Inspector vacancies, of which, 400 vacancies are for the post of Male SI and 65 for Female SI of Group C of the Haryana Police department. The result of SI Female exam has already been declared.