RPSC RAS Main exam 2021 postponed
Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) has postponed the Rajasthan State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive (Mains) Examination, 2021.

Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) has postponed the Rajasthan State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive (Mains) Examination, 2021. Candidates can check the exam notice official website rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in.
RPSC RAS Main exam 2021 was scheduled to be held on February 25 and 26 in all district centres of Rajasthan. The admit card was released last week.
According to the notice, the exam has now been postponed after a meeting of RPSC officials on Wednesday.
The Main exam will be organised for candidates who cleared the RPSC RAS prelims 2021 held in October. The result was declared on November 19. In total, 20102 candidates have qualified the RAS preliminary exam and are eligible to appear for the Main exam.
Here’s RPSC RAS Main postponement notice.
RPSC RAS Main written exam will consist of four papers (General Studies I, II, III and General Hindi and General English) containing three parts each. Every paper will carry a total of 200 marks, with a duration of 3 hours and will be descriptive/analytical.
The Commission has released the exam scheme and syllabus for the Main exam.
The Rajasthan Administrative Services exam 2021 is conducted for recruitment to fill up a total of 988 vacancies, of which, 363 vacancies are for State Services and 625 for Subordinate Services. The candidates will be shortlisted for recruitment on the basis of the RAS Preliminary examination, Main exam followed by a Personality test/viva-voce.