IBPS PO scorecard 2023 released; download link here
IBPS has released the final result scorecard for the Probationary Officer and Management Trainee (PO/MT) exam 2022.

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has released the final result scorecard for the Probationary Officer and Management Trainee (PO/MT) exam 2022. Registered candidates can check and download their IBPS PO scorecards from the official website ibps.in.
The IBPS PO Main exam 2022 was held in November last year and the result was declared on January 5. Shortlisted candidates were called to appear for an interview/personality test round in February.
Steps to download IBPS PO scorecard 2023:
- Visit the official website ibps.in
- Click on the view scores link for CRP PO/MT-XII
- Key in your Registration No / Roll No and date of birth and submit
- The IBPS PO scorecard will appear on screen
- Download and take a printout for future reference