ICSI CSEET May 2023 admit card released; check download link
The ICSI CSEET May 2023 exam is scheduled to be conducted on May 6 (Saturday).

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) has released the admit card today for CSEET (CS Executive Entrance Test) May 2023 session. Candidates can download their admit cards from the official website icsi.edu.
The ICSI CSEET May 2023 exam is scheduled to be conducted on May 6 (Saturday). The duration of CSEET shall be 2 Hours and consist of four Papers. The candidate will need to display the print out of CSEET Admit Card and Student Identity Card/Valid ID Proof.
CSEET shall be conducted through Remote Proctored mode and candidates are allowed to appear for the exam using their own laptop or desktop from home/ such other convenient and isolated place. Candidates shall not be allowed to appear in CSEET by using Mobile Phone, Tablet, Palmtop, etc. In view of the Remote Proctored mode, the Viva Voce portion stands removed for the CSEET.
Here’s ICSI CSEET May 2023 Instruction booklet.
Steps to download ICSI CSEET admit card 2023:
- Visit the official website icsi.edu
- Go to “Latest@ICSI” tab
- Click on the CSEET admit card link
- Key in your application number, date of birth and submit
- The ICSI CSEET admit card will appear on screen, download
- Take a printout for future reference