RPSC EO, RO answer key released for Local Self Govt exam; direct download link here
Candidates who appeared for the exam can download the model answer key and raise objections on the RPSC SSO official website rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in.

The Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) has released the provisional answer key for the Revenue Officer and Executive Officer posts under the Local Self-Govt recruitment 2022. Candidates who appeared for the exam can download the model answer key and raise objections on the RPSC SSO official website rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in.
The RPSC Revenue Officer and Executive Officer exams was conducted on May 14 in two shifts— 10.00 AM to 12 noon and 2.00 to 4.00 PM. The RPSC recruitment drive aims to fill up a total of 118 vacancies, of which, 41 vacancies are for the post of Assistant Engineer-Civil, 14 for Revenue Officer Grade-II posts, and 63 for Executive Officer Grade IV posts. These vacancies will be filled under the Local Self Government Department Exam-2022.
Candidates can raise objections against the model answer key (if any) by submitting documentary evidence on the SSO portal from July 19 to 21. A fee of Rs 100 per question will be charged for raising objections.
Here’s the official RPSC notification.
Steps to raise objection on RPSC model answer key 2023
- Visit the official website sso.rajasthan.gov.in
- Sign in using your registration details
- Click on the link ‘Question Objection’
- Submit your objection and upload the evidence
- Pay the fee and submit
- Download and take a printout for future reference.
Here’s the RPSC EO, RO model answer key 2023 (Morning session).
Here’s the RPSC EO, RO model answer key 2023 (Evening session).
For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.