It’s no secret that fuel prices have been spiralling. The situation is a series one that has seen petrol and diesel rates all over the country rising on the back of the falling rupee and climbing international oil rates. In fact, the price of petrol in Mumbai crossed the 90-rupee mark recently. (Good then that the living Internet had the time for some fun with graphs.)

It came as a small respite that the Centre recently slashed fuel prices by Rs.2.5, but even after the cut, fuel costs remain high. With all the talk of the rising fuel prices and the effect that this may have on the common man, do you know enough about the oil sector in general?

Sure, everyone knows who J Paul Getty is; but our quiz is a little more oblique and includes questions on large oil conglomerates, popular literature and even governments and politics related to the oil industry. Are you up to the challenge?

For more quizzes like this, and some on current affairs and general awareness, visit our Current Affairs quiz section.