ICAI CA Nov-Dec 2018 exam result: check at icaiexam.icai.org
The result will be announced at 6.00 pm for CPT, Foundation, and Final Exam (Old and New course) at the official websites.

Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) will release the CA results for all the exams conducted in the months of November and December 2018 today, January 23rd. The result of Common Proficiency Test (CPT), Foundation Course, and Final Exam (Old and New Course) are expected to be released at 6.00 pm.
The results would be available at all the official websites, that is, icaiexam.icai.org, caresults.icai.org, and icai.nic.in.
ICAI had released a notice earlier this month informing that the results will be released today. The result website has been updated since then and the home page now states that the result will be released today at 6.00 pm. Apart from the result, merit list for the top 50 candidates will also be released.
The candidates need to go the above-mentioned websites and results would be available at the results tab where candidates have to enter PIN number along with the roll number. The ICAI result also can be accessed via SMS, the details of which are as follows:
i) For Final Examination result the following:-
Final Examination (Old Course) CAFNLOLD (space) XXXXXX (Where XXXXXX is the six digit Final examination roll number of the candidate), e.g. CAFNLOLD 000128
Final Examination (New Course) CAFNLNEW (space)XXXXXX (Where XXXXXX is the six digit Final examination roll number of the candidate) , e.g. CAFNLNEW 000128
ii) For Foundation Examination result the following :-
CAFND (Space)XXXXXX (where XXXXXX is the six digit Foundation Examination roll number of the candidate), e.g. CAFND 000171
iii) For Common Proficiency Test (CPT) result the following:-
CACPT(Space)XXXXXX (where XXXXXX is the six digit Common Proficiency Test roll number of the candidate) , e.g. CACPT 000171 and send the message to: 58888 - for all mobile services.