IDBI Bank Specialist Officer: Last date for applying April 30th, today
The last day to apply for IDBI Specialist Cadre Officer vacancies is today i.e. April 30th. There is a total of 120 vacancies under six category of posts.

Industrial Development Bank of India, largely known as IDBI Bank had previously invited applications from eligible candidates for Specialist Officer recruitment 2019. The online application process started on April 15th and today i.e. April 30th is the last day to submit online applications for the recruitment drive. Interested individuals have time till the end of today to apply for the 120 vacancies advertised by the IDBI bank on its website -
It must be recalled that IDBI had released the recruitment notification for Specialist Cadre Officer in early April along with advertisement for Assistant Manager, Executive recruitment. However the application process for SO only by April 15th, last in line.
As mentioned above, the last date to make the exam fee payment is the same as the last date for submitting applications online i.e. April 30th. Candidates who have successfully submitted their applications will be able to take a print out of the duly filled application until May 15th. Here is the direct link to visit the online application page of IDBI Specialist Officer recruitment.
How to apply for SO recruitment at IDBI Bank
- Visit the careers section on IDBI Bank official site -
- Click on online application link under the Recruitment of Specialist Cadre Officers - 2019
- Alternatively here the direct link for online application
- New users will have to start by registering first in order start the online application process
- Fill the application form with relevant details and make exam fee payment
- Download the submitted application form for future reference
There are 120 vacancies as mentioned above which have been further divided in four categories. The four categories are Grade B, C, D and E and Grade B Manager post accounts for maximum vacancies that is 77 positions. The category wise vacancies breakup has been mentioned in the official notification and candidates are advised to go through the detailed advertisement before applying for the recruitment.