UPSC releases admit cards for ISS, IES, Engineer Services (Main), and Geologists exams
The Commission will conduct all these exams from June 28th to June 30th, 2019.

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released e-admit cards for multiples examinations on Friday, June 7th, 2019. The admit cards were issued for 2019 Indian Statistical Service Examination, 2019 Indian Economic Service Examination, 2019 Engineering Services Main Examination, and 2019 Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist Examination. All the admit cards are available UPSC’s official website,, under ‘What’s New’ section.
The Commission will conduct these examinations on June 28th, June 29th, and June 30th, 2019 of which Engineering Services exam is scheduled for June 30th and remaining examination on all three days. The direct links to access the complete timetable for all these examinations are – IES and ISS, Geologist/Geo-Scientist, and Engineering Services.
The direct link to download e-Admit card for various UPSC examinations are as follows:
- India Economic and India Statistical Services
- Engineering Services Main
- Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist Examination
Candidates should read the instructions carefully and proceed. Then, candidates must feed in the required information to access the admit card which needs to be printed out to participate in the examination.
UPSC had released the notification for IES and ISS 2019 on March 20th, 2019 to fill 65 Junior Time Scale position, whereas the 2019 Geologist/Geo-Scientist notification was released on the same day to fill 79 positions of Geologists, Geophysicists, Chemists for the Ministry of Mines and 27 Junior Hydrogeologists for the Ministry of Water Resources.
The preliminary examination for the 2019 Engineering Services was conducted January 6th, 2019 and the result was declared on February 28th, 2019. All the candidates who had cleared the exam are now eligible to appear for the Engineering Services 2019 Main examination