DRDO 2019 CEPTAM-09/TECH-A admit card coming soon at drdo.gov.in
The DRDO CEPTAM is scheduled to conduct the CBT exam for the recruitment from September 28th to September 30th, 2019.

Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) CEPTAM-09/TECH-A exam admit card is expected to be released today or tomorrow. All the candidates can download the admit card, once it is released, from the official website, drdo.gov.in.
The information is based on the notice that states that the admit card is scheduled to be released 14 days before the exam, and the DRDO CEPTAM-09/TECH-A CBT exam is scheduled to be conducted from September 28th to September 30th, 2019.
The candidates can download the admit card from this recruitment page where link to download is expected to be activated.
The recruitment drive is being conducted 351 vacancies with mostly technical vacancies. The recruitment notification was released on June 1st and the application process went on until June 26th, 2019.
The candidates who clear the Tier I CBT exam will be eligible for the Tier-II exam which will be a trade test. The details of the Tier II exam will be released in the near future.