Assam TET 2019 admit card issued; check here for direct links
The Assam TET is scheduled to be conducted November 10th.

Axom Sarba Shiksha Abhiyan Mission has activated the link for candidates to download the Assam TET 2019 examination today, October 22nd. The admit card can be downloaded by all the candidates at the official website,
Assam SSA conducts to TET exam to certify the eligibility of candidates to teach at the schools affiliated to Assam state government. The 2019 exam is set to be conducted on November 10th, 2019.
Candidates can download the 2019 Assam TET admit card from these two links
Assam TET was initially scheduled to be conducted on October 20th; however, a notification issued on September 17th had increased the deadline for application for physically challenged candidates by 10 days and had rescheduled the exam.
TET exam is conducted for two levels, one for the Lower Primary that is Class I to Class V and the other is for Upper Primary or Class VI to Class VIIth. The exam will test candidates on Child Development of Pedagogy, Language I (Chosen by the Candidate), Language II or English, Mathematics, and Environmental Studies. The total duration is for the exam is 2-1/2 hours and will carry 150 MCQs for 150 marks.
How to download Assam TET 2019 admit card once released:
- Visit the Assam SSA TET official website.
- Click on the either of the links to access the log-in page.
- Enter the log-in details and submit.
- The admit card will be available for download and print out.