KSP SI (Civil) 2019: Call Letter for ET/PST issued at psicivilnkh19.ksp-online.in
Candidates should go through the call letter for the exact date, time, and venue of the PST exam.

Karnataka State Police (KSP) has released the call letter or admit card for the Physical Standard Test and Endurance Test for the recruitment of 2018 Sub-Inspector position. Call letter for the PST/ET test can be downloaded from the official website of KSP recruitment, psicivilnkh19.ksp-online.in.
Candidates are advised to go through the call letter carefully for more information on PST ET date, time, and venue of the PST/ET test. The candidates are also advised to go through the official notification for PST/ET test standards.
Here is the direct link to download call letter for PST/ET exam.
Candidates must feed in the log-in ID and password to access the call letter, which needs to be downloaded and printed out. The call letter must be carried to the venue mentioned on the call letter.