APPSC Degree College Lecturers and Non-Gazetted posts exams postponed
The exams were scheduled to be conducted in latter half of the month of March and the new dates will be revealed on March 19th.

Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) has postponed the examinations scheduled to be conducted in the month of March. The exams for the Degree College Lecturers (Notification No.26/2018) and Non-Gazetted posts (Notification No.15/2019) including Post Code No.03 of Notification No.14/2019 have been postponed.
The new dates for both the examination will be announced on March 19th. Candidates must keep checking the APPSC official website for latest updates on the new exam dates.
The examination for the Degree College Lecturers were scheduled to be conducted on March 21 and March 22, whereas the Non-Gazetted post examination were scheduled to be conducted from March 27 to March 29.
The official notification informing the postponement said the exams “are postponed due to Elections for Local Bodies since large number of candidates are associated with election related duties.”