COMEDK 2020 new exam date revealed; to be conducted on July 25
Moreover, the application process will be reopened from June 14 to June 17 and correction facility from June 18 to June 21.

The Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka (COMEDK) has issued a new date for the UGET 2020 examination on its official website, The exam now will be conducted on July 25 instead of the earlier postponed date of June 27.
Moreover, the Consortium will also reopen the application process from June 14 (12.00 noon) until June 17 (5.00 pm). The applications can be edited from June 18 to June 21. The admit card date has not be revealed yet but is expected to be announced soon.
The COMEDK exam was rescheduled from May 10 to June 27; however, students had raised concerns regarding conducting the exam amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. It was reported yesterday that the consortium has noted students’ concerns and has decided to postpone the exam.
S Kumar, Executive Secretary of COMEDK, had said to TOI that a more centres will be added to accommodate physical distancing protocols and other COVID-19 precautions will be taken at the examination centre.
COMEDK conducts the annual UGET and Uni-GAUGE E 2020 combined entrance exam for undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the member institutions and also organises a single-window counselling process. Around 190 engineering colleges conduct their admissions via COMEDK.