BSER 2020 12th Arts result declared at Live Updates
The 12th Commerce and Science examination results have already been declared and today the Arts exam result is expected to be declared.

Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan (BSER) has released the 12th class (Senior Secondary) Arts stream result today, July 21. All the students who had appeared for the exam can check the result once it is declared on the official website,
The overall pass percentage this year has been 90.7%, reports NDTV. The overall pass percentage has increased by almost 5 percentage points compared to 2019. Girls have scored a pass percentage of 93.1% and boys have scored 88%. More than 5 lakh students had appeared for the Arts stream examinations this year from the state.
The results for RBSE Science and Commerce stream has already been declared on July 8 and July 13, respectively. The Science stream students scored a pass percentage of 91.96% and Commerce stream students managed 94.49%.
How to check RBSE Class 12th Arts stream result:
1. Go to RBSE official website: and
2. Choose your class 12th Arts stream link, once activated.
3. Enter the required details.
4. Submit and view your result.
3.43 pm: The overall pass percentage has increased by almost 5 percentage points. The girls have improved by around 3 percentage points and boys’ pass percentage has remained the same.
3.42 pm: NDTV also reports that girls have scored a pass percentage of 93.1% and boys have scored 88%.
3.40 pm: Students have to enter the roll number and the Captcha code and click on ‘Submit’ to check the resu.t
3.38 pm: BSER has declared the 12th Arts stream result on the official website. Here is the direct link.
3.13 pm: Over 5 lakh students had appeared for the Arts stream examination this year.
3.08 pm: The result is expected in a few minutes if reports are to be believed. Students should be ready with their hall tickets to check the result once it is declared.
2.29 pm: This year the result had been delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown. A few of the subjects had to be postponed which were conducted in the month of June.
2.28 pm: In 2019, the board had declared the Arts stream result on May 22. The pass percentage in 2019 for Arts stream was 85.81%. Girls had performed better than boys with a pass percentage for girls at 90.81% and 88% for boys.
2.27 pm: The Science stream students scored a pass percentage of 91.96% and Commerce stream students managed 94.49%.
2.26 pm: The results for RBSE Science and Commerce stream has already been declared on July 8 and July 13, respectively.
2.23 pm: The result will be available at official websites, and
2.22 pm: RBSE is expected to declare the 12th Arts examination result today in the afternoon or evening hours, according to reports.