BPSSC 2019 SI Main exam admit card released at bpssc.bih.nic.in
The SI Main exam will be conducted on 11th October and admit card will have all the details regarding the venue and time of the exam.

Bihar Police Subordinate Services Commission (BPSSC) has released the admit card for the Main exam for the recruitment of Police SI/Sergeant/ASI on September 22. Candidates who have cleared the preliminary exam can download the Main exam admit card from the official website, bpssc.bih.nic.in.
The Main examination for the recruitment of 2019 Police SI/Sergeant/ASI will be conducted on October 11. The exam had been postponed due to the COVID-19 situation and the new date for the exam was released on September 6.
Here is the direct link to download the BPSSC SI Main exam admit card.
The preliminary exam result was declared in February 202. A total number of 5.85 lakh had applied to participate in the examination and 49,506 candidates have cleared the exam and are now eligible to participate in the next round of the recruitment.
BPSSC had released an official notification for the recruitment of 2,446 vacancies on August 21st and the application process for the same was conducted from August 22nd to September 25th.
The recruitment is being conducted for 2,446 vacancies for the positions of Police Superintendent, Sergeant, Assistant Superintendent Jail (Direct Recruitment), and Assistant Superintendent Jail (Ex-Servicemen) positions.