JEECUP UPJEE 2020 Counselling process begins at
The registration process for the first round of allotment will be only for UP State candidates and the allotment result will be released on October 6.

JEECUP has begun the counselling process for admissions to Polytechnic and Pharmacy institutions in the state. JEECUP had released the counselling schedule for the UPJEE 2020 examination on September 29. The first round is for candidates from the state of UP.
All candidates who have cleared the JEECUP UPJEE 2020 exam can register to participate in the counselling on the official website, The registration process to participate is underway and the whole counselling will go on until October 20.
The registration process for the first round will go on until October 4, choice filling and locking can be done from October 2 to October 5, and the allotment result will be declared on October 6.
Here is the direct link to begin the JEECUP Counselling registration process.
This year there will be three allotment rounds. The second round of registration will be open for all candidates and will begin from October 8 and the second allotment result will be declared on October 13, 2020.
The counselling process is done for admissions to various institutions who offer polytechnic and pharmacy courses in the state of Uttar Pradesh. The JEECUP exam was conducted on September 12 and 15 and the result was declared on September 28.
Candidates are advised to go through the detailed counselling instruction document that was released along with the schedule. The link for the both the information is below: