UP BTE September 2020 final semester result declared at urise.up.gov.in
The exam was conducted in the month of September and the result is available now on the official website.

Uttar Pradesh Board of Technical Education (UP BTE) has declared the September 2020 final semester examination result today, December 3. All students can check the result on the official website, urise.up.gov.in.
The result of September 2020 special back-up examination result has also been declared on the official website for students to check.
Here is the direct link to check the BTE UP 2020 final semester result.
The exams were conducted in the month of September 2020. The exams were delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resultant lockdown. Students should use their enrollment number to access the result.
How to check UP BTE 2020 result:
- Visit the BTE UP official website.
- Click on the link to check the result under the ‘News and Events’ section.
- Enter the enrollmenet number and submit.
- The result will be displayed.