TNTRB Block Educational Officer exam 2020 result, final answer keys released; links here
Tamil Nadu Teacher Recruitment Board (TNTRB) has released the result and final answer keys for the Block Educational Officer Exam 2020 held in February 2020.

Tamil Nadu Teacher Recruitment Board (TNTRB) has released the result and final answer keys for the recruitment examination conducted for the Block Educational Officer (BEO) in February 2020. Candidates who appeared for the tests can check their scores and final answer keys at the official website,
As per TNTRB, 42,686 candidates appeared for Block Educational Officer Exam for 97 vacancies in the Elementary Education department. The tentative answer keys were published on February 20 last year on the Board’s website and representations/objections were invited from the candidates.
“All the representations received within the stipulated time have been thoroughly examined by Subject Experts. After thorough scrutiny, revised and Final Answer Key has been arrived. Based on the revised key, candidate’s Computer Based Exam answer data has been valued and the normalized marks are published herewith,” TNTRB said in its latest notice.
The result sheet contains the roll numbers and marks obtained by the candidates.
Here is the direct link to TNTRB Block Educational Officer Exam 2020 result.