HPPSC History, Political Science Lecturer evaluation date postponed; check new schedule here
Registered candidates can check the new schedule on the official website hppsc.hp.gov.in.

Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (HPPSC) has announced the postponement of evaluation for Lecturer (School New) Political Science and History scheduled on April 3 due to closing of all Government Offices on April 3. Registered candidates can check the new schedule on the official website hppsc.hp.gov.in.
According to the official notification, the evaluation for Lecturer (School New) Political Science has been scheduled on April 24 and for Lecturer (School New) History is scheduled on April 30. The rest of the evaluation schedule will remain unchanged.
Here’s the direct link to check the new schedule of Lecturer (School New) Political Science.
Here’s the direct link to check the new schedule of Lecturer (School New) History.
Also, the Commission has released the Personality Test schedule for recruitment of Civil Judge through the Himachal Pradesh Judicial Service Competitive Examination-2019-II.
According to the official notification, the PT will be conducted from April 27 to 29 with a total of 31 shortlisted candidates.
“The call letters for the Personality Test along with Instructions to candidates will be uploaded on the official website of the Commission in due course of time. The candidates are advised to download the call letter alongwith “Attestation Form” and “Instructions to candidates” and bring the same on the day of Personality Test,” read the official notification.
Here’s the direct link to the official notification.
For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.