Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) has invited applications from eligible candidates for the post of Specialist and Senior Resident for Covid-19 duty on a contract basis for up to 3 months. Interested candidates can participate in walk-in interviews every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at noon from May 17 till the vacancy exists.

Candidates can submit their bio-data on the email address: [email protected]. ESIC has notified 50 vacancies, details of which are available at the official website esic.nic.in.

Eligibility criteria

Age limit:

Specialist doctor: Not more than 55 years

Senior Resident: Not more than 45years

Educational qualification: Candidates who want to apply for the posts should have a postgraduate degree (MB/MS/DBN)/Diploma in Medicine/Anaesthesia/Critical Care/Pulmonary Medicine/Family Medicine/Emergency Medicine.

Work experience required for Specialists only: Post-MD/MS/DNB three years and post-diploma five years.

Here’s ESIC recruitment notification.

Selection Process

The selection will be based on the performance of the candidate in the interview before the selection board. The interviews will be held at Conference Hall, Academic Block at Esic Medical College and Hospital, Faridabad. The result will be communicated via email/SMS and displayed on the official website.