HSSC 2019 Clerk waiting list released; check direct link here
All the candidates who had appeared for the recruitment process can check the result on the official website hssc.gov.in.

Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) has declared the final result (waiting) for the post of Clerk. All the candidates who had appeared for the recruitment process can check the result on the official website hssc.gov.in.
In continuation of earlier notices dated and on the basis of Written Examination, Scrutiny of Documents and Socio-economic criteria for the post of Clerk...the Commission has finalised and declared the waiting list. The result has been shown category wise and merit wise and the marks secured by the last selected candidate in each category have been shown in the bracket, read the official notice.
The exam was conducted from 21st to 23rd September, 2019 and document verification round was organised in January 2020. The recruitment drive was being conducted to fill 4858 vacancies and over 10 lakh candidates had participated in the written exam.
Steps to check HSSC Clerk Final Result 2019
- Visit the official website hssc.gov.in
- Click on “Final result remaining (Waiting) for the post of Clerk, Cat. No. 01” under result tab
- The result will appear on the screen in PDF format
- download and take a printout for future reference
Here’s the direct link to download the result.
For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.