UPSSSC Jr Assistant, Computer Operator typing test admit card released; here’s download link
UPSSSC has released the admit card for the Typing Skill Test for the posts of Junior Assistant (JA) 2019 and Computer Operator 2016.

Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC) has released the admit card for the Typing Skill Test for the posts of Junior Assistant (JA) 2019 and Computer Operator 2016. Candidates who have been declared qualified in the written examinations are eligible to appear for the typing test.
The admit cards can be downloaded using candidate registration number, date of birth and gender through official website
The typing test for the posts of Junior Assistant and Computer Operator will be conducted from June 23 and June 21, respectively.
The admit card contains the exam centre, time, and other details. Candidates are advised to read the instructions given there carefully.
Steps to download UPSSSC admit card:
- Visit the official website
- Click on the admit card links under ‘News and Alerts’ section
- Enter registration number, date of birth and gender and click on the download link
- The admit card will appear on the screen
- Download and take a printout.
Here’s direct link to download admit card.
The UPSSSC is conducting the recruitment drive to fill a total of 1,186 positions of Junior Assistant for 21 departments in the state and 64 posts of Computer Operator.