Indian Air Force STAR exam 2021 dates announced by CASB
The Central Airmen Selection Board (CASB) has announced the dates for the STAR exam 2021 for recruitment of airmen in the Indian Air Force in July.

The Central Airmen Selection Board (CASB) has announced the dates for the STAR exam 2021 for recruitment of airmen in the Indian Air Force in July. The IAF STAR exam 2021 was earlier scheduled to be held in April, but was postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. The online exam will now be held across India from July 12 to 18.
“STAR 01/21 Online Examination which was originally planned from 18-24 Apr 21 was postponed due to COVID second wave. Online examination is planned pan India from 12 Jul 21 to 18 Jul 21. Candidates are advised to visit CASB web portal ( regularly for further information/ updates,” read a note on the CASB portal.
The online registration for the IAF STAR exam 2021 was conducted in the month of January. The STAR 01/2021 will be conducted for recruitment of Airmen in Group ‘X’ trades (except education instructor trade) and Group ‘Y’ trades [except IAF (security) and musician trades] in the IAF.
“Eligible candidates will be sent provisional admit cards for Phase - I of testing on their registered e-mail IDs 48-72 hours prior to the examination, which they will download and take a colour printout and will carry the same to the examination centre on the day of online test as indicated on their respective admit cards to appear in the selection test,” CASB has said.
Exam Pattern:
The STAR exam 2021 will be held in three phases. The first phase will be done in an online mode. Online test will be objective type and questions will be bilingual (English & Hindi) except for English paper.
After the declaration of the result of Phase-I (Online) Test, a cut off will be applied based on the marks scored by the candidates in the Phase I Test and shortlisted candidates will be sent a New admit card on their Registered e-mail IDs for phase - II test at a designated Airmen Selection Centre.
Candidates who qualify Adaptability Test-II shall be issued with a medical appointment letter at respective ASCs. The medical examination shall be conducted by Air Force Medical Team as per IAF medical standards and policy in vogue on the subject issue. More details in the official notification.
Here’s the direct link to IAF STAR 2021 official notification.
During training, candidates will receive a stipend of Rs 14,600 per month. On completion of training, those enrolled in group ‘X’ trade will receive Rs 33,100 per month and others will receive Rs 26,900 per month.