Our television screens have been taken over by reports from Jammu and Kashmir, as journalists from Delhi flocked to the state to cover the devastation wrought by the floods. After some time though, even the most visual of TV stories can get tiresome and so journalists and anchors have to start thinking of other angles to run.

For some, that means taking up space on choppers that might have been filled by victims in order to get a good visual. For others, it's about finding a provocative neta who will find a way to turn the rescue effort into a rhetorical jab and attempt to get some political mileage out of the issue. And for many it will be about unearthing something that will provoke controversy and can easily be turned into the subject of a debate titled, say, "Army at heart of rescue ‒  turning point in Kashmir?" with lots of shouting involved.

But you don't even need to watch any of the above, or turn on your television to get a sense of what's happening. You could just have a look at this cartoon created by Crocodile in Water Tiger on Land: