The Bharatiya Janata Party has reportedly cancelled two functions where Rajya Sabha MP Subramanian Swamy was invited to speak. Party leaders chose to cancel the events as a means to stop Swamy from launching any more attacks against anyone, as he did against Reserve Bank of India Governor Raghuram Rajan and Chief Economic Advisor Arvind Subramanian, The Times of India reported.

While one function was scheduled for Sunday in Mumbai, the other was an event organised by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh in Chennai later this week. Party leaders, who were unable to rescind their invitation to Swamy, welcomed Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s statement that “anyone who thinks he is bigger than the system is wrong”. They hope that the remark will serve to keep the MP in check.

“The entire debate on Raghuram Rajan, people who speak out of turn and the party’s campaign in UP is over, since the prime minister’s is the last word,” party secretary Siddharth Nath Singh said after Modi’s interview to news channel TimesNow. Swamy had also made remarks against Finance Minister Arun Jaitley.