US election: Donald Trump propagating dangerous ideas, says rock legend Bruce Springsteen
He endorsed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and said 'she would be a very, very good president'.

Legendary rockstar Bruce Springsteen has accused United States presidential candidate Donald Trump of propagating “dangerous ideas like white nationalism”. In an interview to Rolling Stone magazine, Springsteen called the 70-year-old businessman-turned-politician a moron. He said, “The republic is under siege by a moron, basically. Without overstating it, it’s a tragedy for our democracy.”
In a separate talk show, he said Trump was “an embarrassment to the United States,” reported The Guardian. According to him, Trump’s meteoric rise can be attributed to his oversimplification of complex problems. “People want someone who says they have a solution. And Trump's thing is simple answers to very complex problems. Fallacious answers to very complex problems,” said Springsteen.
Asked what he thinks Trump’s chances of winning are, he said, “I don’t think he’s going to win,” but added that the business tycoon has managed to come a long way and that can “make one nervous”. Springsteen endorsed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton when he said, “she would be a very, very good president”.
Meanwhile, Trump’s party rival Ted Cruz finally endorsed the billionaire businessman almost two months after he was declared the Republican candidate. He said in a Facebook post, “After months of careful consideration, of prayer and searching my own conscience, I have decided that on Election Day, I will vote for the Republican nominee, Donald Trump.” The Republican candidate thanked Cruz for endorsing him and added that he was “honoured to have the endorsement of a tough and brilliant opponent,” reported BBC.