Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday pitched for an alliance with the Congress in Haryana. Kejriwal said that an alliance between the Aam Aadmi Party, Congress and the Jannayak Janta Party in Haryana will ensure that the coalition wins all 10 seats in the state.

“The duo of [Prime Minister] Narendra Modi and [Bharatiya Janata Party National President] Amit Shah are very dangerous for the country,” the Aam Aadmi Party chief claimed. “Today, it is essential to remove them from power.”

“The country has been divided into two parts,” he added. “The first are the Modi bhakts, those who want to vote for Modi. The other are those who want to defeat Modi. The number of those who want to defeat him is very large, but they are divided. They need to come together. Their divisions are the reason Modi and Amit Shah keep winning.”

“I have a proposal for [Congress chief] Rahul Gandhi,” Kejriwal said. “If the Jannayak Janta Party, the Aam Aadmi Party and Congress establish an alliance in Haryana for the Lok Sabha elections, the BJP can be defeated on all 10 seats. This will go a long way in removing Modi and Shah from power at the Centre.”

Congress’ Delhi unit chief Sheila Dikshit had last week said that her party was unanimously against an alliance with the AAP for Lok Sabha elections in Delhi. On Monday, Congress President Rahul Gandhi had urged workers to make sure they win all seven seats in Delhi.

On Tuesday, Kejriwal claimed that AAP will win all seven seats in Delhi even without an alliance with the Congress. On Wednesday, he reiterated the claim that AAP will win the Lok Sabha elections in the state on its own.