Bahujan Samaj Party chief Mayawati on Wednesday said Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s tenure as Gujarat’s chief minister was a “black spot” not only on the Bhartiya Janata Party but also the entire country, PTI reported. She was responding to Modi’s jibe that he had been the chief minister of Gujarat longer than her tenure at the helm of Uttar Pradesh.

Mayawati claimed her government was clean unlike Modi’s administration in Gujarat. “Prime Minister is honest only on paper just like he is an OBC only on paper,” she said, adding that “the entire country knows that most of those having benami properties and the corrupt are connected with the BJP”.

The BSP chief said Modi does not hesitate to call her party “Behenji ki Sampatti Party [Mayawati’s personal property]”, and accused him of crossing all limits of decency. “Whatever the national president of BSP has, it has been given by well-wishers and the society, and nothing is hidden from the government,” ANI quoted her as saying.

These remarks came a day after the BSP chief called the Modi government a “sinking ship” and claimed the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, the BJP’s ideological mentor, had stopped supporting it. On May 12, Modi had accused Mayawati of “shedding crocodile tears” over the Alwar rape case.