Spoilers ahead for the series finale episode.
It’s over. No, really.
Following a mostly glorious eight-season run, HBO’s fantasy epic Game of Thrones came to an end on Sunday (Monday for Indian viewers). Leaks about the fate of the key surviving characters and the occupant of the Iron Throne had fortified hard-core fans in advance, but they seemed unprepared for the bittersweet tone of the sixth and final episode, written and directed by creators DB Weiss and David Benioff.
#TheFinalEpisode pic.twitter.com/TOn61WyCoI
— Game of Thrones (@GameOfThrones) May 19, 2019
There were only two important casualties, including the Iron Throne. It was built out of a mere 200-odd swords rather than a thousand, Petyr Baelish noted in an early episode (he had counted). And yet, the Iron Throne exerted the same power as did the Ring in JRR Tolkein’s novels. It drove men and women to wars and madness, claimed countless lives, and proved to be a bigger threat than the White Walkers in the HBO series.
Occupied by different characters over eight seasons, the Iron Throne meant different things to different people. For the Starks, it represented the muck of politics and the reason Ned Stark (Sean Bean) was beheaded. For Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke), it was the only thing that kept her going. For Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey), it was hers to guard and occupy. For Varys (Conleth Hill), it was the thing that prevented the emergence of “a land where the powerful don’t prey on the powerless”.
Legend has it that the swords were melted by the fiery breath of the dragon Balerion and reshaped into the hot seat of power. It took another dragon, Drogon, to destroy the symbol of human folly for good.
— da (@_iamDaryl) May 20, 2019
This is what they should've done on choosing who's to rule on the throne pic.twitter.com/OfBxcUZO7l
The final episode did not impress everybody, especially those who have been dismayed by the weaknesses and flaws that have marked the final season overall. And yet, fans were saddened by the end of a truly remarkable series, one that expanded the world of magic and power play suggested by George RR Martin in the A Song of Ice and Fire novels.
#GameOfThrones goodbye 🐺 pic.twitter.com/G9tCe7CJCm
— Saleh Alazmi (@si980s) May 20, 2019
Me watching the opening credits for the very last time. #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/5XcjPYQZmr
— The Pixel Factor (@ThePixelFactor) May 19, 2019
Current mood: #GameOfThronesFinale pic.twitter.com/mC8PibJKFd
— Featured Creature (@ftcreature) May 20, 2019
so it is really over... what do we do now? #TheFinalEpisode pic.twitter.com/PiiOh5n7mh
— Abby⎊ (@starkfuego) May 20, 2019
Before tonight's episode of GoT, big thanks to George R.R. Martin, David Benioff, and Dan Weiss for creating 8 seasons of enthralling fantasy (and human) drama. Few shows can truly be called groundbreaking. This is one of them. You guys rock!
— Stephen King (@StephenKing) May 20, 2019
Destiny means nothing. That is what we should take away from #GOTFinale
— Joe (@CupOfJoe2472) May 20, 2019
Over to GRRM to give us the "real" ending. Hopefully within 10-20 years.#GameOfThronesFinale #TheFinalEpisode
— Ramesh Srivats (@rameshsrivats) May 20, 2019
my feeling when i watched the last episode..#GameOfTrones #TheFinalEpisode pic.twitter.com/l3iFvUYsAC
— Suliman Al-Adass (@c58m_) May 20, 2019
Me after the final episode#TheFinalEpisode pic.twitter.com/5yoCQTKtpg
— أحمد المدلج (@IIAFMI) May 20, 2019
The downfall of Daenerys Targaryen created one of the best images in the series.
Can we take a moment to appreciate this best shot!#GameofThrones #GameOfThronesFinale pic.twitter.com/chX4i0Knib
— Kaushik Zingade (@thekaushikzinn) May 20, 2019
Let’s take a moment and thank the actresses Emilia Clarke and Lena Headey for portraying the best two characters of the entire series, we’re definitely going to miss this. Goodbye♥️#GameOfThrones #Daenerys pic.twitter.com/hMnJnwD5k7
— anas (@WildAssFire) May 20, 2019
Daenerys of House Targaryen, First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men,Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Realm, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons. we will always love you. RIP. #Gameofthrones #TheFinalEpisode pic.twitter.com/fr2FhmqLqi
— ضُوى (@DowaAlSehly) May 20, 2019
Among the actors singled out for praise was Peter Dinklage, who played Tyrion Lannister.
Whatever your thoughts on the final season one thing is for certain. This man did one hell of a performance and we couldn’t have asked for a better Tyrion Lannister. Thank you Peter Dinklage #GameOfThrones #TheFinalEpisode pic.twitter.com/zqEqpvoX6Q
— Jacob (@BlondedJacob) May 20, 2019
real MVP of GoT was Peter Dinklage for bringing us the best goddamn Tyrion Lannister we ever could have got. pic.twitter.com/KWXX0wZh3E
— Liam (@Liam27White) May 20, 2019
Tyrion Lannister explaining every religion in the world in just 4 words. #TheFinalEpisode pic.twitter.com/Ztdu5n8vwW
— Sagar (@sagarcasm) May 20, 2019
Of course, there was snarkiness.
Spoiler alert. #GameOfThrones #Westworld pic.twitter.com/FfDWg5b93Z
— Westworld Gifs (@WestworldGifs) May 19, 2019
It's a sad era when even the escapism is a letdown. #GameOfThronesFinale
— God (@TheTweetOfGod) May 20, 2019
HBO subscriptions after tonight😂 #gameofthrones pic.twitter.com/LdFGfYEByW
— Yahya Ahmad (@Yahyaaaaa01) May 20, 2019
I kinda wish it ended here#GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/Rdpcfvdn3h
— Ahmad (@AmdKasem) May 20, 2019
Hope this works 🤞 #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/pSWCIDk2ni
— Mohamed Elhag (@MohamedElhag6) May 20, 2019
When you didn’t contribute to the group project and still got an A. #BranStark #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/dyJza3xzXC
— R❌DICAL❌fallout_nuke (@SWinerverse) May 20, 2019
But Pedro Pascal, who played Oberyn Martell in the show, had the “perfect” retort to shut down trolls.
Shut up, it was perfect. #GameofThrones
— Pedro Pascal (@PedroPascal1) May 20, 2019
#gameofthrones no context spoiler pic.twitter.com/GnWfJ3QyxK
— Teagan 💙 (@TeaganThrussell) May 20, 2019
Among the most-appreciated moments was the reunion of Jon Snow (Kit Harington) and his beloved direwof Ghost. The outrage that followed the fact that Jon didn’t even pet Ghost upon being separated from him in a previous episode seems to been laid to rest.
Jon Snow, you will be always the true king....#GameOfThronesFinale #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/vHcnQb6wD4
— Prabhakar Jha (@pjhatweets) May 20, 2019
By #davidmbuisan
— Raja Mohanty (@RajaMoh50080097) May 20, 2019
Jon snow ghost#Gameofthrones pic.twitter.com/FrdF2ovvjZ
the production team of #gameofthrones scrambling to add the scene of jon and ghost after they saw the backlash of him not petting him pic.twitter.com/CSyA0eH42S
— natalie (@bllrks) May 20, 2019
Also read:
‘I stand by her’: Emilia Clarke on Daenerys Targaryen’s arc in ‘Game of Thrones’
‘Game of Thrones’ final episode recap: All hail the new Westeros
From Mother of Dragons to Mad Queen: Daenerys Targaryen’s journey on ‘Game of Thrones’