How do overconfident politicians hurt their country’s people? A behavioural scientist finds out
Vivek Nityananda
Personalities aren’t fixed – active efforts can help change traits
Shannon Sauer-Zavala, The Conversation
A new mathematical model can spot liars and counter disinformation
Dorje C Brody, The Conversation
A new book tells us this is the age of distraction. We constantly reach for things we don’t need
Nir Eyal with Julie Li
The science of decision-making: How and why we copy the choices of others
Kelly L Haws, Brent McFerran and Peggy Liu, The Conversation
Making New Year’s resolutions personal could actually make them stick
Bernice Plant, The Conversation
Watch: This advertisement has sparked off a debate as it asks people to support tough mothers
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Here’s why you should be worried about smartphone data tracking
Vivian Ng, The Conversation Catherine Kent, The Conversation
A burger and a schoolchild are ‘bullied’. This video reveals which incident troubles onlookers more
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Watch: The way a school of fish behaves can explain decisions taken by groups of people (like mobs)
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Our experiments taught us why people troll
Justin Cheng, Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil and Michael Bernstein, The Conversation
Watch: Why over-friendly people are often more annoying than helpful
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Watch: This analysis suggests why people are so nasty sometimes (they're in pain)
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