Why the Modi government can’t stop Indians from accessing their own money
Shubhankar Dam,
Encounters with law: Bhopal killings revive debate on public officials acting in 'good faith'
Ipsita Chakravarty
Rajasthan’s landmark land title law could free up courts, change lives
Shreya Deb,
Centre seeks report from Law Commission on implementation of Uniform Civil Code
Scroll Staff
How ISIS has changed international law
Michael Scharf, The Conversation
Misrule of law: From smashed bottles to Vijay Mallya and Sri Sri to sedition
Samar Halarnkar
No, the slogans of the JNU students don't count as sedition under the law
Lawrence Liang
Meet the 24-year-old who is taking on a fairness cream giant for ‘misleading advertising’
Mayank Jain