‘Open Zero’: Sophia Naz’s new book of poems glides across war and detention, migration and memory
Nabina Das
The revelation of Sylvia Plath’s secret miscarriage changes our interpretation of her poetry
Jason Miller, The Conversation
Watch: Music composer AR Rahman and poet Nirmika Singh collaborate on Hindi poem
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‘Witnesses of Remembrance’: Kunwar Narain’s poetry preserves the words and sentiments he cared for
Basudhara Roy
A yearbook of Indian poetry in English has been published. How were the poems chosen?
Sukrita Paul Kumar Vinita Agrawal
What this verse from Thiruvalluvar’s ‘Thirukkural’ says about the state’s relationship with farmers
S Anand
How poetry can make less tangible subjects like climate change more real to readers
Christina Thatcher, The Conversation
‘A Letter to Ma’: To writer Nabaneeta Dev Sen from her daughter (and translator) Nandana Dev Sen
Nandana Dev Sen
‘I read about war to avoid this thing called peace’: Six poems from Sridala Swami’s new books
Sridala Swami
’Twas The Night Before Christmas...made the modern Santa Claus and became a literary whodunit
Melissa Chim, The Conversation
Adele, Taylor Swift: Why break-up songs owe a lot to the lovelorn lyrics of the Romantic poets
Anthony Howe, The Conversation
Meet the mystic poets from subcontinental history: How Kabir blended faiths but accepted none fully
Pavitra Mohan
‘An ascetic meditating – turned upside down – the baobab tree’: the Magic of Madagascar in haikus
Abhay K
This anthology of verse by British authors of the Raj is a caustic commentary on colonial India
Graham Shaw
‘There is a woman in me rising out of all the ones that aren’t’: Four poems by Karuna Ezara Parikh
Karuna Ezara Parikh
Meet the mystic poets from subcontinental history: How Rahim combined war with poetry
Pavitra Mohan
‘It isn’t mine alone to mend’: Spoken word poet brings voices of refugees to Glasgow climate summit
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Meet the mystic poets from subcontinental history: Namdeo’s search for the formless god
Pavitra Mohan
K Satchidanandan’s poems in ‘Questions from the Dead’ confront the environmental crisis
Gopal Lahiri
Archana Venkatesan wins international translation award for her translation of 1102-verse Tamil poem